Pixia 4.2a is a painting tool made exclusively for full color graphics.
The program allows to import images of any format from disk, scanners, cameras or clipboard. You can then work on the images using Pixia and then save the result in lots of different formats.
The program has it´s own format, .pxa, that is needed to carry complete transparence and layer information, but it can export to the most known formats.
You can apply lots of effects to the images. You can select a part of the image and skew it, rotate it, fatten it or shrink it. You can work with transparencies, layers, filter by tones, fill with colors or textures, add text, make color, contrast and tone adjustments, get negative images, zoom in, zoom out, flip, duplicate. You can include frequently used images in the Partsbox, for reusing them when needed. Of course, the program allows you to print the resulting images choosing every needed parameter.
The program comes bundled with lots of sample images, textures, palettes and icons.
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